wage 2023 Turkey

In accordance with the Communique dated September 1, 2023, and assigned the number 2023/25, the Social Security Institution has released comprehensive guidelines outlining the procedures for minimum wage support for the period spanning from July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023 in Turkey. Below is an overview of these procedures.

When specific conditions are met, the Social Security Institution will automatically apply minimum wage support to upcoming periods by deducting it from social security premium payments, eliminating the need for any formal applications.

Here are the key criteria for eligibility for the 2023 minimum wage support in Turkey :

  1. Workplaces registered before 2023:
    • If the social security base amount in the monthly withholding tax and premium service declarations for the same month of 2022 is 324 Turkish lira or less.
  2. Workplaces subject to collective bargaining:
    • If the social security base amount is 647 Turkish lira.
  3. Workplaces with employees engaged in “Lignite” and “Hard Coal” extraction:
    • If the social security base amount is 863 Turkish lira.
  4. Workplaces included in the scope of this Law for the first time in 2023.

The support amount, calculated as 16.66 Turkish lira multiplied by the total premium days related to the period from July to December 2023, will be automatically deducted from social security payments, requiring no additional application in Turkey.

Regarding employees covered by these guidelines:

Employees whose long-term insurance branches (disability, old-age, and death) are paid will be included within the scope of this article. This applies to document type codes: 1, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 20, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 90, 91, 92.

It’s important to note that individuals whose long-term insurance branches are not paid will not be considered within the scope of this article.

For further information and to access the complete Communique (in Turkish), please follow the provided link.

If you have any inquiries or require additional details, kindly reach out to your designated customer representative.



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