labour payroll in turkey

Labour payroll in Turkey refers to the process of calculating and disbursing wages or salaries to employees for their work. This process involves various components such as salary calculation, deductions, social security contributions, and tax obligations.

Understanding the labour payroll system in Turkey is crucial for both employers and employees to ensure compliance with the country’s labor laws and regulations. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the labour payroll system in Turkey, covering key aspects such as minimum wage, tax rates, social security contributions, and deductions.

Minimum Wage in Turkey

Turkey has a legal minimum wage that is revised annually. As of the knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the gross minimum wage in Turkey was 3,577 Turkish liras per month. However, please note that this figure may have changed since then. It is essential for employers to keep track of the current minimum wage to ensure compliance with the law.

Taxation: Income tax in Turkey is progressive, with rates varying depending on the income level. As of the knowledge cutoff, the following tax rates were applicable for individuals:

  • 15% on the first 22,000 Turkish liras of annual income
  • 20% on the portion between 22,001 and 49,000 Turkish liras
  • 27% on the portion between 49,001 and 180,000 Turkish liras
  • 35% on the portion exceeding 180,000 Turkish liras

It is important to note that these rates might have changed, and employers should consult the latest tax regulations provided by the Turkish tax authorities. Employers are responsible for deducting income tax from employees’ salaries and remitting it to the tax authorities on their behalf.

Social Security Contributions

In Turkey, both employers and employees are required to make contributions to the social security system. The contributions fund various benefits, including healthcare, retirement, unemployment, and disability. The social security contribution rates are determined by law and may change over time.

As of the knowledge cutoff, the total social security contribution rate was 15.5% for employers and 15.5% for employees. These rates may be subject to change, and employers should consult the latest regulations to ensure accurate calculations and contributions.


Apart from income tax and social security contributions, other deductions may be applicable depending on the specific circumstances of the employee. Some common deductions include union fees, private pension contributions, and voluntary health insurance premiums. These deductions are typically agreed upon between the employer and employee and are subtracted from the employee’s gross salary to arrive at the net amount.

Payroll Administration

Managing labour payroll in Turkey involves several administrative tasks. Employers must maintain accurate records of each employee’s working hours, salary details, tax deductions, and social security contributions. Additionally, they are required to issue payslips or salary statements to employees, detailing the breakdown of their earnings and deductions.

Employers are also responsible for submitting periodic reports to the tax and social security authorities, providing information on employee salaries, taxes, and contributions. These reports help ensure compliance with regulations and facilitate the collection of taxes and social security funds.


The labour payroll system in Turkey encompasses various components such as minimum wage, income tax, social security contributions, and deductions. Employers in Turkey must comply with the relevant laws and regulations to ensure fair compensation for their employees while meeting their tax and social security obligations. Staying updated with the latest regulations is crucial, as tax rates, minimum wage, and social security contribution rates may change over time. By understanding and effectively managing labour payroll, both employers and employees can contribute to a transparent and compliant work environment in Turkey.



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