paid leave turkey

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance is paramount to individual well-being and productivity. Recognizing the importance of time off from work, Turkey has implemented robust annual paid leave policies.

In this article, we delve into the details of annual paid leave in Turkey, exploring its significance, entitlements, and the benefits it brings to employees and their employers.

Understanding Annual Paid Leave in Turkey

Annual paid leave, also known as “yıllık izin” in Turkish, is a fundamental right granted to employees in Turkey. It allows workers to take time off from their jobs to rest, recharge, and engage in personal activities. This leave is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, as it provides an opportunity for employees to prioritize their well-being and spend quality time with family and loved ones.

Annual paid leave in Turkey : Entitlement and Duration

Under Turkish labor law, employees are entitled to annual paid leave based on their length of service. Generally, employees with less than a year of service receive 14 days of leave. As the years of service increase, so does the entitlement. Employees with more than a year but less than five years of service are granted 20 days of leave. This entitlement continues to increase incrementally with additional years of service, reaching up to 26 days after 15 years of service.

Vacation Planning and Approval

Annual paid leave is typically planned and approved in advance, ensuring a smooth workflow and effective resource management within organizations. Employees are encouraged to submit their vacation requests in a timely manner, taking into consideration their preferences and the operational needs of their workplaces. Employers, in turn, make reasonable efforts to accommodate these requests, considering factors such as staffing levels, workload, and the overall operational requirements of the business.

Carryover and Cash Settlement

To allow flexibility and accommodate personal circumstances, employees have the option to carry over a portion of their unused annual leave to the following year. According to Turkish labor law, employees can carry over up to 10 days of their unused leave to the subsequent year. This provision ensures that employees can take extended breaks or plan their vacations strategically, catering to their specific needs.

Alternatively, if an employee is unable to take their annual leave due to work-related reasons or personal circumstances, they have the option to negotiate a cash settlement with their employer for the unused leave days. This mechanism provides an alternative for individuals who may not be able to take time off and allows them to receive compensation for their unused entitlement.

Benefits for Employees and Employers

Annual paid leave holds numerous benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, this leave provides an opportunity to relax, rejuvenate, and engage in activities that enhance their well-being. It allows them to spend quality time with family and friends, pursue personal interests, and explore new experiences. Annual paid leave also contributes to reducing stress, preventing burnout, and improving overall job satisfaction.

For employers, encouraging and facilitating annual paid leave demonstrates a commitment to employee welfare. Providing employees with the opportunity to recharge and unwind leads to increased productivity, higher levels of engagement, and improved job performance upon their return to work. Moreover, granting annual paid leave helps foster a positive work environment, promoting loyalty, and reducing employee turnover.


Annual paid leave in Turkey is a vital component of work-life balance, ensuring the physical and mental well-being of employees. By allowing workers to take time off to rest and recharge, Turkey’s annual paid leave policies contribute to a happier and more productive workforce. The entitlements, flexibility in carrying over leave, and cash settlement options provide employees with choices that accommodate their individual circumstances. Employers, in turn, benefit from improved employee satisfaction, increased productivity, and a positive work environment. As Turkey continues to prioritize the importance of annual paid leave, it paves the way for a more balanced and fulfilling work-life experience for its workforce.



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