notice periods turkey

Notice periods are a crucial aspect of employment contracts, providing both employees and employers with a predetermined time frame to plan for the termination of employment in Turkey.

Notice periods are regulated by the Turkish Labor Law and serve as a mechanism to ensure fair treatment and reasonable transition periods for all parties involved. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of notice periods in Turkey, including their purpose, calculation methods, legal requirements, and implications for both employees and employers.

The Purpose of Notice Periods

Notice periods serve as a period of advance notice given by either party, providing an opportunity for the smooth transition of work responsibilities and the orderly termination of the employment relationship. They allow employees to seek alternative employment opportunities, while employers can adequately plan for the employee’s departure and ensure business continuity.

Notice Period Calculation

In Turkey, the calculation of notice periods is determined based on the employee’s length of service with the employer. According to the Turkish Labor Law, notice periods are as follows:

For Employees:

a. Less than six months of service: Two weeks’ notice.

b. Between six months and one and a half years of service: Four weeks’ notice.

c. Between one and a half years and three years of service: Six weeks’ notice.

d. Between three and five years of service: Eight weeks’ notice.

e. More than five years of service: Twelve weeks’ notice.

For Employers:

a. Less than six months of service: Two weeks’ notice.

b. Six months or more of service: Notice period is determined mutually or by court decision.

It’s important to note that notice periods may vary based on the terms of the employment contract or collective bargaining agreements.

Termination Notice Obligations

Both employees and employers have legal obligations regarding the provision of notice periods in Turkey. Employers are required to provide a written notice of termination, clearly stating the date of termination and the length of the notice period. The notice should be delivered to the employee through registered mail or in person with a signed receipt.

Employees, on the other hand, are also obligated to provide notice to their employers when resigning. The length of the notice period is determined by the employee’s length of service, as outlined above. It is essential for employees to adhere to the notice period requirements to ensure a smooth transition and maintain a positive professional reputation.

Implications of Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with notice period requirements in Turkey can have legal and financial implications for both employees and employers. If an employee terminates their contract without providing the required notice, they may be liable to compensate the employer for the damages incurred due to the sudden termination.

Likewise, if an employer terminates an employee without providing the required notice or adequate compensation in lieu of notice, they may be subject to legal action and potential financial penalties. It is crucial for both parties to honor the notice period requirements to avoid unnecessary disputes and legal complications.

Exceptions to Notice Periods in Turkey

Certain exceptional circumstances may lead to the termination of employment without notice periods. These circumstances include serious misconduct or breach of contract by either party, mutual agreement between the employee and the employer, or specific situations outlined in the employment contract or collective bargaining agreements.


Notice periods in Turkey play a significant role in ensuring fair treatment, providing adequate transition time, and maintaining a harmonious employment relationship. Employees and employers must familiarize themselves with the legal requirements and implications surrounding notice periods to avoid potential disputes and legal complications.

By adhering to the notice period regulations, employees can plan their career transitions effectively, while employers can manage their workforce efficiently, promoting a positive work environment and upholding the rights of all parties involved.



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