turkish africa

Turkish exports to Africa reached a record high of nearly $22 billion in 2022. Egypt, Morocco and Libya are the top importers of Turkish products. Turkey exports various products to the mainland.

Turkey continues its economic and commercial breakthrough in Africa. In addition to the increasingly visible presence of Turkish companies, trade between Turkey and Africa continues to increase year after year.

Thus, in 2022, according to data from the official Andalusian agency, Turkey’s exports to the continent reached a record level of 21.8 billion dollars, up 12.3% compared to that of 2021. With this volume, Africa now accounts for 8.6% of Turkey’s total exports.

By country, Egypt is the first destination of Turkish products with a value of 3.9 billion dollars. The country of the Pharaohs is ahead of Morocco (3 billion dollars), Libya (2.4 billion), Algeria (1.9 billion) and South Africa (1.6 billion). These five trading partners alone account for 58% of the value of Turkish exports to Africa.

Turkish exports to Africa are diversified and include agri-food products, metallurgy, textiles and clothing, electrical products, fertilizers, household appliances, furniture, etc.

It should be noted that Turkey has been committed, since the beginning of the year 2000, to strengthening its relations with the continent in different fields: diplomatic, economic and military. Today, Turkey has diplomatic representations in 43 African countries, 31 of which have trade advisers. A situation which has resulted in an increase in trade and the presence of Turkish companies in Africa, which have thus increased from 2.1 billion dollars in 2003 to 22 billion in 2022.

One of the manifestations of the evolution of these relations is reflected by Turkish Airlines, which currently flies to 62 destinations in 41 African countries, thus becoming the company that covers the most destinations on the continent and helping to facilitate trade and travel. businessmen between the two parties.



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