special leave turkey

In addition to standard leave entitlements like annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave, special leave categories provide employees in Turkey with additional support during unique circumstances. These specialized leave provisions recognize the diverse needs of the workforce and aim to foster employee well-being, work-life balance, and social inclusion. This article explores the various special leave categories in Turkey, the legal framework governing them, and the significance they hold in creating a supportive and inclusive work environment.

  1. Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave is a critical form of special leave in Turkey that allows employees to take time off work following the loss of a loved one. Losing a family member can be emotionally devastating, and bereavement leave provides employees with the space and time needed to grieve and attend to funeral arrangements. In Turkey, bereavement leave is usually granted for a few days, depending on the relationship with the deceased.

The provision of bereavement leave demonstrates an employer’s empathy and understanding of the emotional toll such events can have on employees. This form of special leave in Turkey plays a significant role in helping employees cope with loss, maintain mental well-being, and eventually return to work with renewed focus and productivity.

  1. Marriage Leave

Marriage is a significant life event, and marriage leave allows employees to celebrate this momentous occasion without worrying about work commitments. In Turkey, marriage leave is granted to employees when they tie the knot, and the duration can vary based on company policies and the collective bargaining agreements.

Marriage leave is essential for employees to fully engage in their wedding celebrations, spend time with family and friends, and start their married life on a positive note. By acknowledging the importance of personal milestones, employers demonstrate their support for employees’ well-being and contribute to a positive work culture.

  1. Religious Holidays and Festivals Leave

Turkey is a culturally diverse country with a variety of religious and cultural observances. To promote social inclusion and respect for religious diversity, employees are entitled to special leave during major religious holidays and festivals in Turkey.

Religious holidays and festivals leave ensures that employees can celebrate their religious traditions and customs without facing any adverse consequences in the workplace. This recognition of cultural diversity fosters an inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their religious affiliations.

  1. Education Leave

Education leave, also known as study leave, provides employees with an opportunity to pursue further education or professional development. This form of special leave in Turkey allows individuals to attend workshops, seminars, training programs, or academic courses that can enhance their skills and knowledge relevant to their job roles.

By supporting education leave, employers invest in the continuous improvement of their workforce, leading to a more competent and skilled team. Furthermore, employees are more likely to feel motivated and dedicated to their employers, knowing that their growth and development are valued.

  1. Domestic Violence Leave

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the impact of domestic violence on employees’ lives and work performance. Domestic violence leave is a crucial form of special leave in Turkey that allows employees to seek assistance, protection, and support if they are victims of domestic abuse.

By providing domestic violence leave, employers contribute to a safer and more compassionate work environment. This leave provision shows that the employer is committed to the safety and well-being of their employees, empowering victims to seek help and break free from abusive situations.

  1. Long-term Care Leave

Long-term care leave addresses the needs of employees who have family members requiring significant care and support due to medical conditions or disabilities. Employees can take this special leave in Turkey to care for their family members without jeopardizing their job security.

This form of leave recognizes the responsibility employees may have as caregivers and emphasizes the importance of work-life balance. Offering long-term care leave demonstrates an employer’s understanding of the challenges faced by caregivers and their commitment to supporting their employees during difficult times.


Special leave categories in Turkey play a vital role in creating a supportive and inclusive work environment. By recognizing and accommodating employees’ diverse needs during unique circumstances, employers demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being, work-life balance, and social inclusion. Bereavement leave, marriage leave, religious holidays and festivals leave, education leave, domestic violence leave, and long-term care leave are all essential elements of a comprehensive leave policy that ensures the welfare of the workforce. Embracing these special leave provisions benefits not only employees but also employers, as it fosters a more engaged, loyal, and productive workforce.



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